
Hello! My name is Marcel and I’m a 26 y/o software developer from Barcelona, Spain.

My journey as a programmer started recently, so there are lots of things still to learn. I work with React and TypeScript for my Frontend projects, and Node.JS or Rust for the backend.

I equally love creating beautiful websites with a minimal UI and a solid functionality, as well as performant, efficient and scalable servers and databases.

At my blog I explain my learning process to really understand it, any feedback in the comments is welcome.


Learn Async/Await in Rust creating a Web Crawler

What is async-await ? If you just started programming async-await may feel a strange concept. For now you write code in a file and it runs in order, that is it right? But the web doesn’t work like that, all the communication that we do today its asynchronous. So for example this will be synchronous code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fn synchronous_hello(){println!("hello!");}fn main(){lethello=synchronous_hello();// "hello!" gets printed } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 usefutures::executor::block_on;// we talk about this later :) asyncfn asynchronous_hello(){println!...

October 1, 2021 · 3 min